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How to report an error/bug

IDE errors/bugs

If you found an error while using RAD Basic IDE, it is very useful to collect log's application.

Prior to Pre-beta 4 (<0.5.93)

The logs are located at: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\radbasic\log

Send them to: support AT radbasic DOT dev

Pre-beta 4 and onwards (>=0.5.93)

You could collect all logs into zip file selecting the menu item: Help → Collect and show logs in Explorer

It will open File Explorer pointing to a zil file with all the logs. Now, you can send it to: support AT radbasic DOT dev

Compiler errors

It is very useful to send the compiler output. If it is possible attach a small project or a source code example.

Send it to: support AT radbasic DOT dev