RAD Basic 0.8.0 Pre-Beta 8 - Release Notes

RAD Basic Pre-Beta 8 release (0.8.0)

Notes: This is an early access to Beta version.


  • [IDE] Create and edit User Controls from IDE.
  • [IDE] Allows change startup object in project properties.
  • [IDE] New setting: Open startup object on project load.
  • [Compiler] Initial support for hexadecimal values in properties.
  • [Compiler] Introduction of warnings: Warn when a method signature is an event not defined (object or event not exists).
  • [Compiler] Initial implementation of Output mode for files and Print statement.


  • [IDE] In Samples Explorer, double click open the selected sample.


  • [IDE] Fixed error “The configuration file has been changed by another program” which prevents to close the IDE when there are two instances opened.
  • [Compiler] Fixed compilation errors of Optional/Default values in Subs/Functions in certain situations.
  • [IDE] Fixed project temp path after saved a new created project.

Known issues

  • Installer and executables are not digitally signed because we are managing renovation of code signing certificate.
  • [IDE] Form Designer Grid: not drawn properly while user resizes form and some performance issues in certain edge cases.
  • [IDE] FRX values (Icon, Pictures, ComboBox List, …) are readonly values in Form Designer, as there issues saving into FRX file.
  • [IDE] User Controls are not editable yet.
  • [Compiler] UDT only support basic types as members.
  • [Compiler] Variant type is not supported.
  • [Compiler] Option Explicit is mandatory. Source code without option explicit will be supported in later releases.